Exfoliating, too!
The weather is changing. Who could use a good exfoliation from head to toe? I can! The solution in a word? Grits!
Yes, I do mean grits! Grits; as in, Quaker Old Fashioned Grits!
I like to "go natural" when it comes to skincare, as much as possible. My skin can be sensitive. I am always wondering what I can get from the kitchen that will give me a nice, warm glow. I tried oatmeal, and I tried cornmeal. They were so, so. I didn't think I had anything to lose, so I got a pea-sized amount of grits, added my favorite cleanser [which comes from Dollar Tree], and a dab of water. Not only did it gently buff the skin leaving it feeling clean without being stripped of its natural oils, it left it smooth as a baby's bottom! It was heaven! I do it whenever I feel the need now. On to the next step. That would be moisturizing, which just might consist of slugging. Use your own discretion. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!
Walmart is not about to be left out of the fashion scene! Hey, there is a need for clothing at all price points! I say, go for it!
Bring it on, Victoria Beckham! I have always liked a good power suit, if for no other reason than to mix and match it with other pieces! A good suit is a suit is a suit!
Give; and let give, to the Rita S. Wilson Memorial Scholarship! Thaaaaank you!
As of today, there are 23 more days left until: Easter, Sunday, April 1, 2018!
Happy Today!
NOTE: I Adorned You [digital magazine] is coming your way, whenever! Until then, view our portfolio at alvandcompany.polyvore! Thaaaaank you!
ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms | Even Greater Things | Far Above Rubies | O My Dove
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