Friday, July 8, 2016

Manners matter, too!


And don't we just know it! Before you go and roll your eyes, think on this a moment. Grandma must have been on to something. Step back, now!

You could care less about it today; but, fall is coming! The cool weather trends aren't waiting for you or me, you see. Don't go and get worked up about it! "Wear what makes you feel, and look good!" Know what I mean?

I never tire of looking at wedding gowns, yours or mine (when I get one that is), irregardless of the season...

My two favorite wedding trends for fall are:  1) off-the-shoulder, and  2) color!

Believe me when I say:  "The off-the-shoulder style is not going anywhere anytime soon!" Oh, how romantic! There is something about the neckline of a dress cut low in the front or back and often across the shoulders, to quote precisely. It is com-pli-men-ta-ry! The groom will swoon...

I'm all for wearing whatever color gown suits your fancy, as you must know by now. Not everyone can look their best in white, ivory, tan, gold or silver! "Go where the glow goes," I say! It is your day, after all...

Pssssst! Save a small fortune! Don't use the word wedding when shopping for an ensemble, shall we say. It can save you major bucks. Better yet, check the regular collections, especially the Resort & Couture Collections. You could be in for a surprise... 

Registry shopping has to be a blast! Just don't get carried away, O.K.?

I'd like some good pound cake myself, wouldn't you? Who 'ya gonna call? Martha Stewart, that's who! Meyer Lemon Pound Cake sounds scrumptious! Got no time for baking? I hear Patti's Good Life Vanilla Pound Cake ain't half bad! Oh me, oh my!

As of today, there are 60 days left until Labor Day:  Monday, September 5, 2016!

Got style?

Happy Friday ; Happy Summer!



NOTE:  I Adorned You [digital magazine] is coming your way, ASAP! Until then, view our portfolio at!

ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
"I am a king and a priest unto thee..." [Revelation 1:6]

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