Friday, July 17, 2015

'Men In White,' too...


As I purvue the Spring 2016 Menswear collections, I can't help but think:  those men look pretty darn good in white! Move over, ladies in white lace! The Men In White are coming!

The #1 outfit of Men In White for me & mine is; drumroll, please...

O.K., O.K., so it is more of  'a candlelight white' than 'a white/white,' but it sure is snap-py! It fits just so ; the 'Z-print' shirt and the spectator shoes hum! I'll tell you what!

On a more casual note, we like...

It's pulled together, but not out of the way...

There are a few other good looks, but you get the idea! Meanwhile in the here and now, there are options galore! And I did not even get through every single collection, but I will!

Na-ti-cal! Go boating, or not!

He's keeping it c-o-o-l; on the up and up, wouldn't you say?

"There is something about white!" "Go white, young man!"

Menswear is definitely on a roll!

I look forward to sharing Menswear Accessories 2016 with you, just as soon as they are more readily available...

How many people do you know who wear sizes 0, 2, 4 or 6 even? Not many, I'm willing to concede. Sizes 8, 10 and 12 are more like it; but, size 14 takes the cake! The average American woman is a size 14. The fashion industry is getting it...

It's all good!

Roses are still; well, roses!

As of today, there are 162 days until:  Christmas, Friday, December 25, 2015!

Thank you for sharing "this stylist journey" along the side of me with family, friends, business associates and acquaintances!

Happy Weekend!



ALV & Co., 'The Gold Standard!'
"I am a king and a priest unto thee..." Revelation 1:6

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