Friday, October 26, 2018

Saks Holiday 2018


The Saks Holiday 2018 catalog is ooooout! It came out Wednesday...

I do not feel that I have enjoyed the holidays until I have:  1)  gone through major department store catalogs, or  2)  browsed the windows. The Saks Fifth Avenue store Holiday Window Unveiling is November 19th, 7:00 P.M., EST.  It can be viewed online same as the catalog. Things are getting better all the time, aren't they?

Some of the price tags are steep. Others are what you would expect. Irregardless, there is always something somewhere similar "in our price range!" Now is the time to look...

Although I am curious to see what the holiday clothing styles will be, I am just as curious about the accessories and makeup. Accessories and makeup can make or break an outfit more so than the type of outfit worn or the amount spent on it...

Red is the color most are drawn to. There is also gold, and silver. And not necessarily in that order! Whatever your favorite colors are; I say, "Wear (or decorate in) them!"   

Here's what I like, without a shadow of a doubt...

1)  The Christian Louboutin So Kate Booty! They are kicking! I noticed them earlier during the month elsewhere...

2)  The Dior Inclusion sunglasses! What else would one expect of me? Black diamonds are as cool as cool can be! I can see the two together...

3)  The Cult Gaia small acrylic Ark bag in clear! I've gotta have one! Either that or their long wooden earrings which are not in the catalog...

4)  The Kiehl's Mask Moments Holiday Gift set! I have yet to try a Kiehl's product! They come highly recommended. I do like good masks...

Got it? I will be checking my stocking December 24th!

As of today, there are 17 more days left until: Veteran's Day, Monday, November 12, 2018! As of today, there are 27 more days left until: Thanksgiving, November 22, 2018! As of today, there are 60 more days left until: Christmas, Tuesday, December 25, 2018!

"Happy Today, and Happy Weekend!"



NOTE:  I Adorned You [digital magazine] is coming your way, whenever!
ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"

Angela L Vann, Ms   |   Even Greater Things   |   Far Above Rubies 

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