Friday, August 3, 2018

It's National Watermelon Day, but good watermelons are hard to come by.


That; it, is!

I grew up working on the farm that used to be across the field from the home place during the summers. The proprietor; Mr. Ed Wright, raised hogs. He also grew tobacco, cotton and an assortment of vegetables. When the temperatures soared and the heat became swelteringly hot, we would go to the watermelon patch. Nothing lifted our spirits like splitting a watermelon open, and eating the heart! There, in the middle of the field! The watermelons were cooler than you would think, and sweet too...

Fast forward to 2018. Go to almost any grocery store. Check the boxes outside the store, or the produce aisles inside the store. What are you likely to find? A semi-sweet; if that - watermelon, once you get it home. What a pity, if you want to dive right in! But the watermelon can be put to good use, if juiced and refrigerated. It will begin to get sweeter, and it will thicken - over time. Not only is it refreshing to drink, it makes a great face mask...

I want the watermelons of old! What have they done to them? I know! I know! I know! The best bet is to get home grown watermelons, if you can. If you know of one or two round about; give me a holler, why don't you?

Give; and let give, to the Rita S. Wilson Memorial Scholarship! Thaaaaank you!

As of today, there are 31 more days left until:  Labor Day, Monday, September 3, 2018! And as of today, there are 144 more days left until:  Christmas, Tuesday, December 25, 2018!

"Happy Today!"



NOTE:  I Adorned You [digital magazine] is coming your way, whenever!

ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms   |   Even Greater Things   |   Far Above Rubies 

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