Friday, June 9, 2017

Vetements pulling out of the rat race


I reckon Vetements said, "Enough already!" Other designers will probably begin to do the same. Sending out some sort of a collection every other month, every couple of months, or every three months is a massive undertaking. Think of the creativity required. Think of the cash required! I applaud you; folks, I really do!  

Depending upon where you reside, the mall may or may not be the mall that you are used to. It's subject to have a lot of things in it now; other than, retail stores that is. Well, I reckon that extra space has got to be used for something...

We Wear Culture: The Stories behind what we wear is online, at this writing! "Fashion is culture, and culture is fashion!" Or, so I say! One is a direct indicator of what is happening with the other. What a fascinating 'Google' project! I can't wait to see every collection that every designer ever made online, anyhow...

It's time to bring out the bikes, if you haven't already! I don't know which is easier, this or that quick burn! You tell me!

I have to tell you something. I tried exfoliating my face and body with cornmeal. It was O.K., but I ran out of cornmeal. I decided to try what was on hand. That happened to be:  grits! Oh! My! Goodness! Talk about a fabulous exfoliation! Who would have thunk? I do it a couple of times a week, now. My skin is looking better than ever before. I wish I had thought of it sooner...  

Give; and let give, to the Rita S. Wilson Memorial Scholarship! Thaaaaank you!

As of today, there are 9 more days left until:  Father's Day, Sunday, June 18, 2017!

Happy Friday!



NOTE:  I Adorned You [digital magazine] is coming your way, whenever! Until then, view our portfolio at alvandcompany.polyvore!

ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms   |   Even Greater Things   |   Far Above Rubies   |   O My Dove

*Like this? Gifts are accepted at Google Wallet! Thaaaaank you!  

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