Are you ready for it? I am pretty much...
I got a head start on the May festivities in our family last week...
Mom was born on May 6th. She turned 80 Saturday. The day before she spent the evening whirling around the yard on the new riding mower that she had purchased earlier in the day. She seemed to be having a lot of fun. If you think some folks in their 70's and 80's don't have get up and go, you would be wrong!
The pound cake that I made for her birthday, my birthday and Mother's Day to go along with the fresh strawberries we picked ourselves turned out to be pretty good. If you don't eat pound cake, you're aren't a proper Southerner! Any old how...
I'm a May baby, too. Talk about a great time of the year to be born! The weather is usually bright, sunny and warm here in the Sandhills of North Carolina...
I'm grateful for mom and I to be able to see another year. She is the oldest living of her siblings. I am the next to the oldest of my siblings. I hope, trust and pray that she gets another 10-20 years of living in. She would enjoy it, let me tell you! I want to have the spunk that she does as the years continue to go by. Is there a plan or something for that?
A kitten heel with a slingback and pointy toes are quite the classic with attitude! Yes, ma'am! I'll take 'em!
Kate Spade is about to become a part of the Coach family. It's all good! Both have such nice accessories...
FLOTUS; aka, Ms. Trump continues to wow in carefully chosen outfits. Yellow is fantastic for spring and summer. Go, Ms. Trump!
Give; and let give, to the Rita S. Wilson Memorial Scholarship! Thaaaaank you!
As of today, there are 17 more days left until: Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2017!
Happy Mother's Day!
NOTE: I Adorned You [digital magazine] is coming your way, whenever! Until then, view our portfolio at alvandcompany.polyvore!
ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms | Even Greater Things | Far Above Rubies | O My Dove
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