You have to see an assortment of engagement rings gone by to appreciate the unique beauty of each, and to begin to understand how special one is to a bride to be. I would highly recommend doing this, anyhow. An engagement ring is an investment, and something one wants to wear for a long time to come. If you don't have an idea of what you would like, you will! Got stars in your eyes yet? I do!
The Pink Diamond reportedly sold for a whopping $71 million, and counting! Imagine that! It is gorgeous!
For a long time I considered getting an emerald diamond engagement ring. Not only is it my birthstone, it is such a bold, vivid color. I'm drawn to it. But then, there is the cost factor. They do not come cheaply. We'll see. If I don't get it right away, perhaps I can get one later on down the road. Ladies hear me when I say: begin saving for your wedding day now! You'll thank yourself for it later...
While we're on the subject of weddings, slices of caramel cake will do quite well for me and mine on that blessed day, thank you very much! Caramel cake is scrumptious! Thursday was National Caramel Day, and I did not have one slice of cake. Shucks...
More and more consumers are shopping online, for fashion especially! It would not surprise me if we reach the 50% mark +/- a year. Times are changing...
Mini bags are IT, as far as I am concerned. There are times when only a mini bag will do...
Give; and let give, to the Rita S. Wilson Memorial Scholarship! Thaaaaank you!
As of today, there are 9 more days left until: Easter, Sunday, April 16, 2017!
Happy Friday!
NOTE: I Adorned You [digital magazine] is coming your way, whenever! Until then, view our portfolio at alvandcompany.polyvore!
ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms | Even Greater Things | Far Above Rubies | O My Dove
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