Now that the holiday season is over, 'Wedding Season 2017' is here! Let's hear it for the engagement ring, possible dates, a venue, the perfect gown, music, a photographer, something good to eat, guests, bridesmaids, and not necessarily in that order either! Thinking about planning for, let alone having a wedding, is exhausting! And yet, it must be the 8th Wonder of the World! I've got stars in my eyes! See me, now! Sooooo...
Who got the ring? You? Someone you know? If it was you; well, congratulations! If it was not you; baby, it is O.K.! All things being equal, your day is coming! It has to! It's the way of the world! Besides; in my unasked for opinion, it is never ever too early to begin planning for "that day!" I myself have had a lot of inspiration since January 1st --- it must have been all of that sugar I consumed the month leading up to it --- and I am psyched! I've gotten a few things under my belt, and you know what? It feels good! What?!!! I'm 57-1/2 and counting, never been married, desirous of "one handsome young man" whose name I will not share today. I have confidence in my ability to, uh, communicate. I'm going for a summer date. If not this summer, then next. I will be ready...
You know, I'm fascinated by folks who spend tens of thousands of dollars on weddings. Are they nuts, or what? Half the challenge is getting what you want for as reasonable of a price as you can! How much do you want to bet that I can pull together my wedding for under $10K? [$5K is even better; if you know what I mean, but ---] Track it, if you wanna...
Guys when it comes to selecting a ring, there are options, options, options at so many price points it would make your head spin! And, that's a wonderful thing. Everyone does not want a blue box with a white bow wrapped around it, as nice as that can be. That is just not who or what all are. For instance, some may gravitate toward "manufactured diamonds!" Why not? This may or not have anything to do with anything, but I am enamored with Kenneth Jay Lane and his wares. I will have something of his on me one way or the other when the time comes. And then there is vintage ware; as in, antiques. Let me think. What else is there. Don't get me started. You get the idea. Observe. Speculate. Ask, if you must. I would strongly suggest the latter...
You know, wedding gowns are prettier than ever before. They are so chic! They can be in so many shades of pale; yes, I can imagine. [Not to mention deep, dark and/or rich if you dare!] They fit like they oughta, making a woman feel like a woman and look like the princess she is. And the fabrics or combinations of fabrics! Suede. Velvet. Fur. Silk. Satin. Lace. You name it. It is an exciting time to be a bride (or a bridesmaid)...
I got so tickled about wearing flats to a wedding. A lady can wear darn well what she pleases; provided that, it is something and it is in keeping with whom and what she is. Flats, sneakers, what have you. They are all of that and a bag of chips these days. A thumb up...
Well, Mr. & Mrs. Barack Obama are on their way out of office. Mrs. Obama is such a good dresser. Gosh, we're going to miss seeing what she puts on practically every day. She'll be out and about, I imagine. And we will be watching...
Things are still being shaken up in retail. What don't the folks in corner offices and fancy suits get? The internet; mobile shopping in particular, has changed the shape of the landscape. There is absolutely no reason to build a store in every other major city anymore. Once I know what brands work for me, I want to shop from the comfort of anyplace but the store! They will get it. One day...
Give; and let give, to the Rita S. Wilson Memorial Scholarship! Oh, wonderful you!
As of today, there are 93 days left until: Easter, Sunday, April 16, 2017!
Happy Friday!
NOTE: I Adorned You [digital magazine] is coming your way, ASAP! Until then, view our portfolio at alvandcompany.polyvore!
ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms | Even Greater Things | Far Above Rubies | O My Dove
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