Wednesday, November 25, 2015

As of Friday, November 27, 2015, there are 29 days until: Christmas, Friday, December 25, 2015!


Does Anyone Expect To Pay Full Price Anymore?, asks Helena Pike of BOF? Some don't; but, (honestly), most just want their money's worth! Can you blame them? In the words of many parents/grandparents, "money does not grow on trees!"

Kiplinger; for one, encourages "smart shopping!" Me, too!

When all's said and done; I believe, good companies with good products will remain intact and competitive, over the long haul. Quality matters; in the sense that, well made (and lasting I might add) products will pay for themselves over time irregardless of initial cost. The real challenge may be in producing desirable products at all price points. A satisfied customer is a repeat customer...  

We're getting down to the wire for Thanksgiving; and, the holiday deals keep rolling in! Here are some that caught our attention...

1)  Black Friday Deals You're Going to Want to Shop This Season, according to Good Housekeeping ---

2)  Target Black Friday deals, which are online right now ---

3)  Victoria Secret's PINK Black Friday Sneak Peak 2015 ---

If OR does not coincide with your to do schedule, there is always! Whatever you decide; it is undoubtedly, a 'win-win-win' situation for you!

Get your holiday shopping done:  with us!

Holiday gifting!

Thaaaaank you!

Happy Wednesday!

Happy Thanksgiving!



NOTE:  I Adorned You [digital electronic magazine] is coming your way, ASAP! Until then, view our portfolio at!

ALV & Co., 'The Gold Standard!'
"I am a king and a priest unto thee..." Revelation 1:6

*Like this? Gifts are accepted at

Friday, November 20, 2015

As of today, there are 36 days until: Christmas, Friday, December 25, 2015!


In a perfect world; we would have started holiday preparations in mid-September, at the latest! But; since the world is not perfect and we didn't, let's go from zero to 70 - in a matter of seconds! The tasks can be broken down by the week, or the day(s)! You choose!

1)  Got a planner, yet? Get one, pronto! [A spiral binder will do just fine, thank you very much!] Set a budget!

2)  Gonna take family photos? Do an outfit check, any day now!

3)  Get holiday videos and music together!

4)  Set up a wrapping/mailing station! Get mailing boxes, and wrapping essentials together:  an assortment of boxes, scissors, wrapping paper, holiday bags, tape, bows, ribbon, etcetera!

5)  Draft a Christmas card list, get Christmas cards, draft holiday letters, get holiday stamps!

6)  Decide what to cook! Get those recipes and ingredients; especially the spices, together!

8)  Check flatware, platters and decorations! And speaking of decorations, where are they? Will they be put up; some or all, before Thanksgiving? The day of? The day after? For somebody's sake, how about the weekend before? I'm just saying! And; of course, this means clean/clean/clean! Some; but not all folks, like to have a cleaned out and ready to add to refrigerator and freezer in anticipation of a whole lot of goodies! Makes sense to me; but yikes, do you have little or no time? Enlist the help of as many others as you possibly can! It is; after all, a family & friends affair! If push comes to shove, wipe everything down as best you can and let it go!

9)  Check the gift list, a-gain! The week of Black Friday; if not several days before in some instances, is an excellent time to score deals! Why wait until Thanksgiving Day when you don't have to? Then and again, Cyber Monday is the next best thing! Use both to your advantage: ;! I think I'm starting to understand why gift cards are such a hit!

You can always get your holiday shopping done with us! [Won't you be glad when home and/or drone delivery is more the norm than not? I could go for:  some of that!]

Holiday gifting!

Thaaaaank you!

Happy Friday!



NOTE:  I Adorned You [digital electronic magazine] is coming your way, ASAP! Until then, view our portfolio at!

ALV & Co., 'The Gold Standard!'
"I am a king and a priest unto thee..." Revelation 1:6

*Like this? Gifts are accepted at

Friday, November 13, 2015

As of today, there are 43 days until: Christmas, Friday, December 25, 2015!


Black Friday is inching it's way towards us! It is a grrrrreat opportunity to save, save and save some more! Sales for Thanksgiving Day and the day after will be available the entire week of, in most instances! N-o-w is the time to decide "the who, what, when, where and how!", to the rescue!

Let us help you! Get your holiday shopping done, with us!

Holiday gifting!

Thaaaaank you!

Happy Friday!



NOTE:  I Adorned You [digital electronic magazine] is coming your way, ASAP! Until then, view our portfolio at!

ALV & Co., 'The Gold Standard!'
"I am a king and a priest unto thee..." Revelation 1:6

*Like this? Gifts are accepted at

Friday, November 6, 2015

As of today, there are 50 days until: Christmas, Friday, December 25, 2015!


Got any holiday shopping done, yet? Get it done, with us!

Holiday gifting!

Thaaaaank you!

Happy Friday!



NOTE:  I Adorned You [digital electronic magazine] is coming your way, ASAP! Until then, view our portfolio at!

ALV & Co., 'The Gold Standard!'
"I am a king and a priest unto thee..." Revelation 1:6

*Like this? Contributions are accepted at